OneCo signerer avtale på nettilknytning og driftsavtale for målere i Hafslund Nett

OneCo signerer avtale på nettilknytning og driftsavtale for målere i Hafslund Nett

Throughout the rollout of AMS meters, OneCo has delivered deliveries to approx. 50 Norwegian network companies in Norway. Through a new agreement with the networking and operation of meters for Hafslund Nett, it consolidates its position as one of the country’s leading players in field services related to AMS meters and infrastructure.

With this contract, OneCo is entering into after the market for field services related to AMS meters and infrastructure. The agreement consists of word management, booking services, assembly of meters and storage teams for new connection. The operating agreement consists of error correction and service assignments on meters and communication infrastructure. As well as the establishment of communication infrastructure in case of expansion or reinforcement.


This is part of a major effort from OneCo towards the market that comes after the AMS meters are installed to all country power customers. We are very proud that we have won this contract in strong competition with others and are proud that Hafslund has chosen us to be their face out to their almost 700,000 online customers, «says Bård Nielsen, Managing Director of OneCo Elektro AS

Fra venstre Erik Harviken, Seniorrådgiver anskaffelser Hafslund Nett, Marianne Holmefjord Skodvin, Leder AMS Drift Hafslund Nett og Bård A. Nielsen, OneCo

Fra venstre Erik Harviken, Seniorrådgiver anskaffelser Hafslund Nett, Marianne Holmefjord Skodvin, Leder AMS Drift Hafslund Nett og Bård A. Nielsen, OneCo

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